Platform control

Minidyn lightweight deflectometer

Product Summary

The LWD (LightWeight Deflectometer) Minidyn reliably measures the bearing capacity of unbound foundation layer directly on your Andrdoid phone with GPS localization.

The advantages of Minidyn lightweight deflectometer

Immediate correlated EDYN2 results

Immediate correlated EDYN2 results

Automatic report geolocation                            

Automatic reports geolocation

Free Android app

Free Android app

The advantages : Minidyn lightweight deflectometer


Equipment and use

The lightweight Minidyn deflectometer is a compact, portable instrument that provides reliable, reproducible and immediate results on the bearing capacity of sub-base layers such as freeways or industrial platforms.

  • Sturdy, lightweight anodized aluminum construction
  • IP64 reinforced protection
  • Unique carrying case
  • Geolocation of your measurements
  • Splitable into two parts
  • High-capacity battery, > 300h in normal use
  • Integrated force transducer for repeatable, calibrated measurements
  • Rapid testing, one measurement point in 10 seconds (3 releases)

valise transport

For further details

Android application

Operation and reporting


Limits of use

Correlation and standardization

The lightweight deflectometer Minidyn is controlled by a freely installable application available on Android Play Store.

Once installed, the Minidyn can be used immediately without particular configuration. Setup a site file and a name for your test, connect via Bluetooth to the Minidyn and start making measurement, it is that simple.

The Android app uses the phone GPS to geolocate your measurements. The resulting mapped point are then exported on a satellite view in your reports.

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Test runs and geolocation

Application mobile

Application mobile

The equipment come with a complete solution for making automatic Excel report on Windows with free choice of result graphs, tables and maps.

Export software with maps examples

Logiciel d’exportation et exemple de sortie cartographique

Rincent ND Technologies has a calibration bench for lightweight deflectometer. The bench is in compliance with national calibration standard.

The Minidyn integrated load cell measures the load during impact that can vary up to 20% on the same foundation layer. Without any load cell the repeatability error on modulus s between 20% to 40%.


The lightweight deflectometer Minidyn is very accurate in a number of situation and it is important to follow some procedures to ensure the best possible results.

The 10 kg drop weight is best for layer modulus comprised between 10 MPa to 100 MPa. The 20 kg drop weight is needed to test layer with modulus above 100 MPa.

The auscultation depth is between 30 cm to 50 cm typically. Assessing a large thickness foundation is possible by performing test at each 20 to 30 cm deposited layer, typically at each layer compaction.

Using a 300mm plate, the largest granularity should be around 60 mm.




From the very first installation, Minidyn delivers results in correlation with French standards NFP 94-117-2.

Other correlations are freely available for full compliance with the following standards: BSI 1924-2 (UK), ASTM_E2583-07 and ASTM_E2835-11 (USA), UNI11531-1 (Italy).


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